Readership: Readers of modern literature, of Virginia Woolf, of essays; students of twentiethcentury English literature, the modern essay, modernism
This selection brings together thirty of Woolf's best essays across a wide range of subjects including writing and reading, the role and reputation of women writers, the art of biography, and the London scene. They are enchanting in their own right, and indispensable to an understanding of this great writer.
- The Decay of Essay-Writing
- Modern Fiction
- The Modern Essay
- How it Strikes a Contemporary
- Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown
- Character in Fiction
- Impassioned Prose
- How Should One Read a Book?
- Poetry, Fiction and the Future
- Craftsmanship
- The Feminine Note in Fiction
- Women Novelists
- Women and Fiction
- Professions for Women
- Memories of a Working Women's Guild
- Why?
- The New Biography
- On Being Ill
- The Art of Biography
- Thunder at Wembley
- The Cinema
- Street Haunting: A London Adventure
- The Sun and the Fish
- The Docks of London
- Oxford Street Tide
- Evening over Sussex: Reflections in a Motor Car
- Flying over London
- Why Art Today Follows Politics
- Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid