This Roman play is one of Shakespeare's last tragedies, best known for its political and military themes. The Introduction and commentary notes open up the language, themes and ideas in this complex yet richly rewarding play for the student and teacher.
This Roman play is one of Shakespeare's last tragedies, best known for its political and military themes. The Introduction and commentary notes open up the language, themes and ideas in this complex yet richly rewarding play for the student and teacher.
This Roman story is one of Shakespeare's last tragedies, best known for its political and military themes. This is a major new edition of the often overlooked play, which was recently made into a film starring Ralph Fiennes and Gerard Butler. The modernised text and on-page notes, written by a leading scholar, provide extensive comment and context for all readers. *Also appeared in Nov/Dec Buyer's Notes*
Coriolanus in the 1930s
Dating: Writing and Performance
Voting and Citizenship
Coriolanus and Early Modern Politics
Shaping the Play
Coriolanus Rethought: Brecht, Osborne, Grass
Filming Coriolanus (2011)
Longer Notes
Textual Analysis
1. Coriolanus in Performance: A Skeletal History
2. Casting Coriolanus
Abbreviations and References