Acoustic Technics, aware that digital and computer embedded technologies produce data that today can be transformed into acoustic images, notes the transformations these phenomena imply for a diverse set of practices, such as music, communication, medical diagnosis, and scientific knowledge.
Preface: Prereflections on Science, Technologies and Sonification
Part One: A Sono and Sightscape: Locating Acoustic Technologies
Chapter One: Introduction: Sound beyond Sound and Light beyond Light
Chapter Two: Imaging: A Second Scientific Revolution
Chapter Three: Animals and Robots
Chapter Four: Does Postphenomenology have a Bat Problem?
Part Two: Dimensional or "Case" Studies for Auditory Capacities
Chapter Five Music: Technologies-Musics-Embodiment
Chapter Six: Synthesizing Sounds
Chapter Seven: Prostheses: Embodying Hearing Devices
Chapter Eight: Listening to Cancer
Chapter Nine: Acoustics below the Surface
Chapter Ten: Multimedia-Multitasking-Multistability
Epilogue: Are we Posthuman?