This collection presents the first substantial encounter between aging studies and ecocriticism. By putting both fields into conversation, it addresses competing ideologies of efficiency, exploitation, and endurance versus those of sustenance, care, and survival.
Nassim W. Balestrini, Julia Hoydis, Anna-Christina Kainradl, and Ulla Kriebernegg: Time, Relationality, and Fears of Ending: Encounters between Aging Studies and Ecocriticism
Part I "Aging Bodies and Environments"
1 Silvia Gerlsbeck: "A World in Flux": Temporality, Aging, and Environmental Change in V. S. Naipaul's Late Work
2 Christian Lenz: Footprints in the Jungle: Creating a Legacy in the Rainforest
3 Jade E. French: "Zoological Outcasts" and the Aging Other in Jean Rhys's Late Short Stories
4 Nú ria Mina-Riera: Embodying Age(ing) in the Non-Human World in Lorna Crozier's Poetry
5 Simon Dickel: Beyond Reproductive Futurism: Harold and Maude's Ecological Aesthetics
6 Tina-Karen Pusse and Michaela Schrage-Frü h: Time Travel, Age/ing and Ecology in the German Netflix Series
Dark (2017-2020)
Part II "Growing Old Amid Environmental Crises"
7 Adrian Tait: Imagining Longevity and Sustainability in Walter Besant's The Inner House and William Morris' News from Nowhere
8 Stephen Hahn: Literature and the "Cultural Scripting" of Aging and Dying
9 Julia Hoydis: Caring (for) Futures: Intergenerational Justice in Contemporary Drama
10 Julia Henderson and Katrina Dunn: Old(er) Women and the Apocalypse: Three Dramatic Representations
11 Albert Banerjee: Learning to Live Well within Limits: Exploring the Existential Lessons of Climate Change and an Aging Population
Part III Afterword
12 Peter J. Whitehouse: Emergent Cosmic Return: The Field of Possibilities for Aging in a Proposed New Geological Epoch
About the Authors