ANNE BLANCHARD is the author of L'encyclopé die des rebelles, insoumis et autres ré volutionnaires (Encyclopedia of Rebels and Other Revolutionaries) in which she tells the life of great figures who wanted to change the world, and of L'encyclopé die des hé ros, icô nes et autres demi-dieux (The Encyclopedia of Heroes, Icons and Other Demigods) (Gallimard-jeunesse). But she has a special tenderness for Rosa Luxemburg, a woman who put her whole life at the service of a cause she thought was just. With Rosa Luxemburg she pays homage to what she admires the most: the total commitment of an entire existence, whatever the personal cost.
ROSIE EYRE is a literary translator from French and Spanish based in northwest England. Educated at the University of Cambridge and at the University of Manchester, her previous translations include Caring in Times of Covid-19 (2020) by Spanish photojournalist Juan Zarza, 100 First Words for Toddlers (Rockwell Press, 2021), and the dystopian novel Survivor by Julie Guinand (Strangers Press, 2022).