This volume explores a range of themes including impacts of climate change, resilience, sustainability, indigeneity, cultural genocide, disaster capitalism, preservation of biodiversity, and environmental degradation. Focusing on the island of Barbuda, West Indies, it shares critical insights into how climate change is reshaping our world.
Introduction 1. A long-term perspective of climate change in the Caribbean and its impacts on the island of Barbuda 2. Water use and availability on Barbuda from the colonial times to the present: An intersection of natural and social systems 3. Developing agency and resilience in the face of climate change: Ways of knowing, feeling, and practicing through art and science 4. Fallow deer: The unprotected biocultural heritage of Barbuda 5. From the far ground to the near ground: Barbuda's shifting agricultural practices 6. Written with lightning: Filming Barbuda before the storm 7. Disaster capitalism: Who has a right to control their future?