In this book, Blä enka Scheuer demonstrates the multiple ways in which zoomorphic images were used as interpretative keys both in the formation of Deborah and Huldah stories in the Hebrew Bible and in their subsequent versions.
Chapter One: Deborah, Huldah, and the Formation of Zoomorphic Slurs
Part One: Deborah
Chapter Two: Deborah: A Bee or a Wasp?
Chapter Three: Deborah in the Jewish Diaspora
Chapter Four: Deborah and the Question of a Female Divine
Part Two: Huldah
Chapter Five: Huldah: A Weasel-Prophetess
Chapter Six: Huldah and the Question of Interpretive Authority
Part Three: Deborah, Huldah, and Virgin Mary
Chapter Seven: Deborah, Huldah, and the Virgin Mary
Chapter Eight: Concluding Remarks