Ideal for graduate courses on quantum optics, this textbook provides an up-to-date account of basic principles and applications.
Ideal for graduate courses, providing an account of basic principles and applications.
1. Quantized electromagnetic field and coherent state representations; 2. Nonclassicality of radiation fields; 3. Two mode squeezed states and quantum entanglement; 4. Non-Gaussian nonclassical states; 5. Optical interferometry with single photons and nonclassical light; 6. Polarization and orbital angular momentum of quantum fields; 7. Absorption, emission, and scattering of radiation; 8. Partial coherence in multimode quantum fields; 9. Open quantum systems; 10. Amplification and attenuation of quantum fields; 11. Quantum coherence, interference and squeezing in two-level systems; 12. Cavity quantum electrodynamics; 13. Absorption, emission and scattering from two-level atoms; 14. Quantum interference and entanglement in radiating systems; 15. Near-field radiative effects; 16. Decoherence and disentanglement in two-level systems; 17. Coherent control of the optical properties; 18. Dispersion management and ultra-slow light; 19. Single photons and nonclassical light in integrated structures; 20. Quantum optical effects in nano mechanical systems; Index.