Constance wondered what Grandpa and Mom had stashed in the room as she looked around. They loved adventures as much as she did. It was the summer of 2006, and her family had just moved into Grandpa's house. Where would her adventure begin today? She danced over to the big, old closet and opened the door. Grandpa's work boots were scattered across the floor, but in the back corner, she spied a shiny box wrapped in lavender paper with a yellow bow. Hesitating, she checked for spiders, then tiptoed toward it.
As her fingers brushed the closet wall, it gave way, and she plummeted in a dizzying tumble. When the spinning stopped, Constance found herself in a fresh-smelling closet-belonging to Joseph Gordano. In 1959.
"Who are you?" they both screamed in unison.
"I asked you first!" they both replied.
"Listen, pal!" Constance held up karate-chop hands. "I took karate for two summers at the YMCA. . ."