While literacy has always been central to language planning work, there are fewer studies which focus primarily on literacy as a language planning activity. This volume investigates the complex issues and social and political pressures relating to literacy in a variety of language planning contexts around the world.
1. Introduction: Literacy and language planning - Anthony J. Liddicoat (University of South Australia) 2. Language planning for literacy: Issues and implications - Anthony J Liddicoat 3. Early literacy policy: National and local instantiations - Lisa Patel Stephens (Lynch School of education at Boston College) 4. Language planning and literacy in Kenya - living with unresolved paradoxes - Margaret Jepkirui Mutthwi (translation consultant, United Bible Societies, Kenya) 5. Conceptions of Literacy in Canadian Immigrant Language Training - Ellen Cray and Pat Currie (Carleton University,Canada) 6. Singapore's literacy policy and its conflicting ideologies - Catherine Chua (University of Queensland) 7. Rethinking Language Planning and Policy from the Ground Up: Refashioning Institutional Realities and Human Lives - Vaidehi Ramanathan (University of California) 8. Legislating Literacy for Linguistic and Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary China - Minglang Zhao (Dickinson College, USA) 9. Vernaculars in Literacy and Basic Education in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand - Kimmo Kosonen (Payap University, Thailand) 10. Literacy in Pidgin and Creole Languages - Jeff Siegal (University of New England, Australia) 11. The consequences of vernacular (il)literacy in the Pacific - Terry Crowley 12. Literacy in a Dying Language: The Case of Kuot, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea - Eva Lindstrom (University of Stockholm, Sweden) 13. Vernacular Literacy in the Touo Language of the Solomon Islands - Michael Dunn (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics) 14. Is it Aulua or Education Dressed up in Kastom?: A Report on the Ongoing Negotiation of Literacy and Identity in a Ni Vanuatu Community - Martin Paviour-Smith (Massey University, New Zealand) 15. Bridging the Gap: The Development of Appropriate Educational Strategies for Minority Language Communities in the Philippines - Diane Dekker and Catherine Young (SIL International, Philippines) 16. Literacy and Language-in-Education Policy in Bidialectal Settings - Andreas Papapavlou and Pavlos Pavlou (University of Cyprus)