What are you passionate about?
A simple enough question, right? But what if you don't have an answer? What if your mind goes blank? Well, that very thing happened to author Lauren Krasnodembski. That seemingly simple query left her speechless and sent her on a multi-year inner quest that would change her forever.
Reclaim Your Power chronicles the trajectory of Lauren's life from the moment that fateful question was posed. We follow along as she searches for her passions and purpose, and struggles through breakdowns and breakthroughs along the way. From running around like a hamster on a wheel and crying on the floor of her closet, to phone calls with a soul-exploration life coach, one-on-one yoga sessions, and a surprisingly enlightening Uber ride; we are there for it all.
But, this book isn't just the telling of Lauren's journey. It offers insight into how YOU can use her experience to hit the pause button on your own life and make yourself a priority. Ultimately, Reclaim Your Power serves as a guide to allow more light and love into your life and serves as a pathway in allowing your passions and purpose to discover YOU!