The Portable Beer Expert
Can you tell a Weissbeir from a Belgian? Deepen your appreciation of your favorite brews by learning to identify the scents, colors, and flavors of all the major beer styles. This completely updated second edition of the best-selling classic explores the culture, chemistry, and creativity that make craft beers so wonderfully complex. Randy Mosher delivers expert insights into the science of brewing and tasting, along with expanded sections on serving and pairing, including recipes for beer cocktails.
The ultimate guide to enjoying every pint to the fullest features 10,000 years of history, dizens of distinct styles, hundreds of breweries, and 900 identified flavors.
Foreword to the Second Edition by Ray Daniels
Foreword to the First Edition by Sam Calagione
Welcome to Beer
1 The Story of Beer
2 Sensory Evaluation
3 Brewing and the Vocabulary of Beer Flavor
4 The Qualities of Beer
5 Tasting, Judging, and Evaluation
6 Presenting Beer
7 Beer and Food
8 Anatomy of a Style
9 British and Irish Ales
10 The Lager Family
11 Continental Ales, Weissbiers, and Ale-Lager Hybrids
12 The Beers of Belgium
13 Craft Beer in America and Beyond
14 A Sip Beyond
A Glossary of Beer and Brewing Terms
Atlas of Beer Flavors and Origins
Further Reading on Beer Styles, Flavors, History, and More
Organizations and Websites