In this stunning, powerful, and ultimately persuasive book, Rodney Stark, one of the most highly regarded sociologists of religion and bestselling author of The Rise of Christianity (HarperSanFrancisco 1997), argues that some of our most firmly held ideas about history, ideas that paint the Catholic Church in the least favorable light are, in fact, fiction. Why have we held these wrongheaded ideas so firmly and for so long? And if our beliefs are wrong, what is the truth?
Introduction: Confronting Distinguished Bigots / 1
1. Sins of Anti-Semitism / 9
2. The Suppressed Gospels / 37
3. Persecuting the Tolerant Pagans / 53
4. Imposing the Dark Ages 73
5. Crusading for Land, Loot, and Converts / 93
6. Monsters of the Inquisition / 117
7. Scientific Heresies / 135
8. Blessed Be Slavery / 169
9. Holy Authoritarianism / 187
10. Protestant Modernity / 209
Postscript / 231
Notes / 233
Bibliography / 243
Captions and credits / 257
Index / 259