This book explores Muslim communities in Southeast Asia, the integration of Islamic culture with diverse ethnic cultures of the region and practice of cultural and religious coexistence in various realms.
List of figures vii
List of contributors viii
Introduction: Southeast Asian Islam - Integration and indigenisation 1
Nasr M. Arif and Abbas Panakkal
Theology, Jurisprudence, and Traditions 11
1 Arrival, adoption, and adaptation: integrating Islam in maritime Southeast Asia 13
Carool Kersten
2 Living sunna: scholars, community leaders, and the integration of Islam in Java 37
Ismail Fajrie Alatas
3 Islamic jurisprudence and adat in Southeast Asia 61
R. Michael Feener
4 Integration of South Asia within Southeast Asian traditions 86
Abbas Panakkal
State and Society 119
5 Integration of Islam into the Malay and Bugis-Makassar kingdoms 121
Muhamad Ali
6 Muslim women's dress in Southeast Asia: Islamic law, fashion, and national identity 143
Euis Nurlaelawati and Nina Mariani Noor
7 Muslim cosmopolitanism in Southeast Asia: marketplaces as sites of interaction and integration 167
Khairudin Aljunied
Architecture, Arts, and New Cultures 187
8 Cultural adaptation and integration: Islam in Southeast Asia 189
Anthony Reid
9 Pondok education, public discourse, and cultural pluralism in Malaysia and Indonesia 208
Azmil Tayeb
10 The Islamic art of Southeast Asia 234
Robert Hillenbrand
11 The mosques of Southeast Asia: a narrative of representation and negotiation 263
Tutin Aryanti
Index 290