Codes, Curves, and Signals: Common Threads in Communications is a collection of seventeen contributions from leading researchers in communications. The book provides a representative cross-section of cutting edge contemporary research in the fields of algebraic curves and the associated decoding algorithms, the use of signal processing techniques in coding theory, and the application of information-theoretic methods in communications and signal processing. The book is organized into three parts: Curves and Codes, Codes and Signals, and Signals and Information.
Codes, Curves, and Signals: Common Threads in Communications is a tribute to the broad and profound influence of Richard E. Blahut on the fields of algebraic coding, information theory, and digital signal processing. All the contributors have individually and collectively dedicated their work to R. E. Blahut.
Codes, Curves, and Signals: Common Threads in Communications is an excellent reference for researchers and professionals.
I: Curves and Codes. - 1. On (or in) the Blahut Footprint. - 2. The Klein Quartic, the Fano Plane, and Curves Representing Designs. - 3. Improved Hermitian-like Codes over GF(4). - 4. The BM Algorithm and the BMS Algorithm. - 5. Lee Weights of Z/4Z Codes from Elliptic Curves. - 6. Curves, Codes, and Cryptography. - II: Codes and Signals. - 7. Transforms and Groups. - 8. Spherical Codes Generated from Self-dual Association Schemes. - 9. Codes and Ciphers: Fourier and Blahut. - 10. Bounds on Constrained Codes in One and Two Dimensions. - 11. Classification of Certain Tail-Biting Generators for the Binary Golay Code. - 12. On the Weight Distribution of Some Turbo-Like Codes. - III: Signals and Information. - 13. Alternating Minimization Algorithms: From Blahut-Arimoto to Expectation-Maximization. - 14. Information-Theoretic Reflections on PCM Voiceband Modems. - 15. Some Wireless Networking Problems with a Theoretical Conscience. - 16. Bounds on the Efficiency of Two-Stage Group Testing. - 17. Computational Imaging.