Combinatorics and Counting. - Topological Map: An Efficient Tool to Compute Incrementally Topological Features on 3D Images. - Counting Gaps in Binary Pictures. - The Exact Lattice Width of Planar Sets and Minimal Arithmetical Thickness. - Thinning and Watersheds. - Branch Voxels and Junctions in 3D Skeletons. - New 2D Parallel Thinning Algorithms Based on Critical Kernels. - Grayscale Watersheds on Perfect Fusion Graphs. - Distances. - Matching of the Multi-channel Images with Improved Nonparametric Transformations and Weighted Binary Distance Measures. - Approximating Euclidean Distance Using Distances Based on Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-standard Three-Dimensional Grids. - Fuzzy Distance Based Hierarchical Clustering Calculated Using the A? ? ? Algorithm. - Image Representation and Segmentation. - A New Sub-pixel Map for Image Analysis. - Feature Based Defuzzification at Increased Spatial Resolution. - Extended Mumford-Shah Regularization in Bayesian Estimation for Blind Image Deconvolution and Segmentation. - Invited Paper. - Polygonal Approximation of Point Sets. - Approximations I. - Linear Discrete Line Recognition and Reconstruction Based on a Generalized Preimage. - Digital Line Recognition, Convex Hull, Thickness, a Unified and Logarithmic Technique. - Incremental and Transitive Discrete Rotations. - Digital Topology. - Discrete Homotopy of a Closed k-Surface. - Topology Preserving Digitization with FCC and BCC Grids. - On the Notion of Dimension in Digital Spaces. - Shape and Matching. - Size and Shape Measure of Particles by Image Analysis. - A Comparison of Shape Matching Methods for Contour Based Pose Estimation. - Relevance Criteria for Data Mining Using Error-Tolerant Graph Matching. - Invited Paper. - Computational Aspects of Digital Plane and Hyperplane Recognition. -Approximations II. - A Linear Algorithm for Polygonal Representations of Digital Sets. - The Monogenic Curvature Scale-Space. - Combinatorics and Grammars. - Combinatorial Properties of Scale Space Singular Points. - Additive Subsets. - Cooperating Basic Puzzle Grammar Systems. - Tomography. - Quasi-isometric and Quasi-conformal Development of Triangulated Surfaces for Computerized Tomography. - Binary Tomography with Deblurring. - A Neural Network Approach to Real-Time Discrete Tomography. - Poster Session. - A Novel Automated Hand-Based Personal Identification. - Shortest Paths in a Cuboidal World. - Surface Registration Markers from Range Scan Data. - Two-Dimensional Discrete Shape Matching and Recognition. - Hierarchical Tree of Image Derived by Diffusion Filtering. - Object Tracking Using Genetic Evolution Based Kernel Particle Filter. - An Efficient Reconstruction of 2D-Tiling with t 1, 2, t 2, 1, t 1, 1 Tiles.