Nick Garbutt ( is a well-known authority on Madagascar's wildlife. He first visited the island in 1991, backpacking for a month and visiting four parks. He has returned most years since and in doing so has travelled the length and breadth of the island, repeatedly visiting all the major national parks and reserves, and many remote regions. He has seen the majority of the island's lemurs and other mammals in the wild, as well as a very high proportion of the other endemic fauna - a claim few can make. A tour-leader, lecturer and award-winning photographer, Garbutt has written three books about Madagascar mammals and reptiles, as well as Bradt's 100 Animals to See Before They Die. He is also a regular contributor of articles and images to publications including National Geographic and BBC Wildlife.
Daniel Austin ( is a naturalist, photographer and researcher of all things Malagasy. His fascination with this extraordinary island has spanned his entire adult life and extends far beyond its flora and fauna to its geography, its history, its people and their culture. He is lead author of Bradt's award-winning Madagascar travel guidebook in addition to this wildlife guide, and regularly leads small-group tours of the country. Daniel also gives occasional lectures on Madagascar (including to the Royal Geographical Society and Oxford University), is secretary of the Anglo-Malagasy Society (which holds regular events to raise the island's profile) and curates the Madagascar Library, an archive of over 7,000 books, maps and documents on all aspects of the country.