In Transversal Ecocritical Praxis: Theoretical Arguments, Literary Analysis, and Cultural Critique, Patrick D. Murphy, Ph. D, utilizes ecocriticism and ecofeminism to develop his concept of transversal practice: an interdisciplinary combination of theory and applied criticism. Traversing a wide range of examples, literary, cultural and economic, this work fleshes out the benefits of an ethically grounded interdisciplinary ecocriticism.
Introduction: Unpacking the Terms of my Title and Outlining the Organization of my Text
Chapter One: Dialoguing with Bakhtin on Our Ethical Responsiblility to Anothers
Chapter Two: Furnishing the Study for Performing the Household by Resolving Static Cling: The Procession of Identity and Ecology in Contemporary Literature
Chapter Three: Subjects, Identities, Bodies, and Selves: Siblings, Symbiotes, and the Ecological Stakes of Self Perception
Chapter Four: An Ecological Feminist Revisioning of the Masculinist Sublime
Chapter Five: Consumption as Addiction, Sustainability as Recovery
Chapter Six: Community Resilience and the Cosmopolitan Role in Environmental Challenge-Response Novels
Chapter Seven: The Poetic Politics of Ecological Inhabitation in Neruda's Canto General, and Cardenal's Cosmic Canticle
Chapter Eight: The Dilemma of Terraforming in Three Parts
Chapter Nine: Damning Damming Modernity: The Destructive Role of Megadams
Chapter Ten: Preparing on the Plateau of Peak Oil
Chapter Eleven: Conclusion
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