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The Pursuit of Certainty

Religious and Cultural Formulations

675 Lesepunkte
Buch (kartoniert)
Buch (kartoniert)
67,49 €inkl. Mwst.
Zustellung: Di, 25.03. - Fr, 28.03.
Versand in 6 Tagen
Although the world population faces movement, mixing and displacement on a larger scale than ever before, the result has not been a collapse of boundaries but an increase in the rise of new forms of ethnic, cultural and religious identity. Those based in the highly developed countries can extend global influence through wealth and sophisticated technology.
The Pursuit of Certainty presents original case studies which explore the effect anthropology's inherited tradition of tolerance and cross-cultural understanding has on the new pursuits of truth. Several chapters focus on the rise of new certainties while others examine notions of diversity providing a critical perspective on the new religious movements and current popular orthodoxies relating to society and culture.


Introduction: whatever happened to the Enlightenment? Part I Displacement and the search for redefinition 1 Managing tradition: 'superstition' and the making of national identity among Sudanese women refugees2 History and the discourse of underdevelopment among the Alur of Uganda Part II Emerging world forms 3 Race, culture and-what?: pluralist certainties in the United States 4 Certain knowledge: the encounter of global fundamentalism and local Christianity in urban south India 5 Inventing certainties: the dakwah persona in Malaysia 6 Powerful knowledge in a global Sufi cult: reflections on the poetics of travelling theories 7 Topophilia, Zionism and 'certainty': making a place out of the space that became Israel again Part III Vernacular contexts of public reason and critique 8 The politics of tolerance: Buddhists and Christians, truth and error in Sri Lanka 9 Changing certainties and the move to a 'global' religion: medical knowledge and Islamization among Anii (Baseda) in the Republic of Bénin 10 Bourdieu and the diviner: knowledge and symbolic power in Yoruba divination 11 Choking on the Quran: and other consuming parables from the western Indian Ocean front Part IV Epilogue: a professional dilemma? 12 Cultural certainties and private doubts


03. August 1995
Herausgegeben von
Wendy James
506 g
Größe (L/B/H)
234/156/18 mm


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