This book examines and explains material from the 9th edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, including deck and parapet design, load calculations, limit states and load combinations, concrete and steel I-girder design, bearing design, and more.
Chapter 1. Introduction.
Chapter 2. Loads on Bridges.
Chapter 3. Load Combinations and Limit States.
Chapter 4. Deck and Parapet Design.
Chapter 5. Distribution of Live Load.
Chapter 6. Steel Welded Plate I-Girders.
Chapter 7. Precast Prestressed Concrete Girders.
Chapter 8. Bridge Girder Bearings.
Chapter 9. Reinforced Concrete. Substructures.
Chapter 10. Seismic Design of Bridges.
Chapter 11. Seismic Isolation of Bridges.