URBAN WATER INFRASTRUCTURE NATO ADVANCED RESEARCH WORKSHOP SUMMARY 22-27 JUNE 1989 KYLE E SCHILLING P E Workshop Director The Workshop was based on the recognition that all NATO countries are concerned with similar water infrastructure issues. Present problems are aggravated by aging and neglected facilities, by inadequate financing and by water management institutions reflecting the needs of an earlier era. Service needs to be provided for expanding populations, at the same time that corrective measures must be taken for decaying older urban centers, resulting both from neglect and expiring service life. These needs exist within the framewode of other competing and conflicting uses for existing and yet to be developed water sources. The problems have generated some highly visible national debates over financing due to the large sums involved. Despite differences in the age of the North American, European and other societies, the technological ages of water supply and storm water systems are much the same and provide a common denominator in the worldwide trend to urbanization. Examination of approaches to urban water management also indicates that they are generally based on past experience and institutions created in a non-urban era. The physical, financial and institutional alternatives are consequently often out-of-step with current urban environment. Historically, the supply of adequate water and efficient storm water management have also been top priority items with water quality and other aspects of environmental protection assuming a lower priority after basic supply needs have been met.
US Urban Water Resources Infrastructure. - Water Management and the Funding of Public Water Service in Canada. - Water Management in Aging Industrial Districts. - Urban Water Resources Supply Conflicts. - Privatization of Water Services in the United Kingdom. - The French Water Industry in a Changing European Context. - Strategy for Planning Infrastructure Renewal. - Urban Water Resources Management. - Asset Replacement Planning. - Proactive Management for Aging Water Supply Systems and Standard Techniques for Maintenance of Urban Water Infrastructure. - A New Approach in Establishing Water Industry Standards of Service. - Asset Management Planning and the Estimation of Investment Needs. - Infrastnicture Planning A Developing Approach. - Rehabilitation of Basic Sanitation Infrastructures Research Requirements in Portugal. - Modernization of Urban Water Supply Systems. - Water Supply Technology and Organization. - Water Supply Expansion for Metropolitan Ankara. - An Overview of the Evolution of Urban Integrated Water Management in Portugal. - Urban Supply and Water Resources Management. - The Need for Improved Techniques. - Stormwater Management Technology: Recent Developments and Experience. - Dimensions and Challenges of the US Water Supply Industry. - Water Supply Institutions and Financing, Renovation and Replacement: A Challenge for French Urban Water Services? . - Municipal Water Supply Systems in Sicily: Technical and Organizational Features. - Trends and Issues in Urban Water Resources and the Identification of Needed Research. - Workgroup One. - Workgroup Two. - Workgroup Three.