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Unter Hä ndels mehr als zwanzig Oratorien ist der Messias seit langem das am hä ufigsten aufgefü hrte und hat in den Herzen des Publikums ü berall einen Ehrenplatz.
Diese neueste Verö ffentlichung von Collegium Records enthä lt das komplette Oratorium, aufgenommen in der wunderbaren Akustik der Kirche All Hallow's, Gospel Oak, London.


1.01: Sinfonia
1.01: Der Messias HWV 56 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)
1.02: Comfort ye, my people
1.03: Ev'ry valley shall be exalted
1.04: And the glory of the Lord
1.05: Thus saith the Lord
1.06: But who may abide the day of his coming?
1.07: And he shall purify
1.08: Behold, a virgin shall conceive
1.09: O thou that tellest god tidings to Zion
1.10: For behold, darkness shall sover the earth
1.11: The people that walked in darkness
1.12: For unto us a child is born
1.13: Pifa (Pastoral symphony)
1.14: There were shepherds abiding in the field - An lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them - ...
1.15: Glory to God
1.16: Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion
1.17: Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened
1.18: He shall feed his flock - Come unto him
1.19: His yoke is easy
1.20: Behold the lamb of God
1.21: He was despised
2.01: Surely he hath borne our griefs
2.02: And with his stripes we are healed
2.03: All we like sheep are gone astray
2.04: All they that see him laugh him to scorn
2.05: He trusted in God
2.06: Thy rebuke hath broken his heart
2.07: Behold, and see if there be any sorrow
2.08: He was cut off of the land of the living
2.09: But thou didst not leave his soul in hell
2.10: Lift up your heads, o ye gates
2.11: Unto which of the angels
2.12: Let all the angels of God worship him
2.13: Thou art gone up on high
2.14: The Lord gave the world
2.15: How beautiful are the feet
2.16: Their sound is gone out
2.17: Why do the nations so furiously rage together?
2.18: Let us break their bonds assunder
2.19: He that dwelleth in heaven
2.20: Thou shalt break them
2.21: Hallelujah
2.22: I know that my redeemer liveth
2.23: Since by man came death
2.24: Behold, I tell you a mystery
2.25: The trumpet shall sound
2.26: The shall be brought to pass
2.27: O death, where is thy sting? - But thanks be to God
2.28: If God be for us
2.29: Worthy is the lamb that was slain
2.30: Amen


10. Januar 2007
The/Rutter/RPO Cambridge Singers
Komponiert von
The/Rutter/RPO Cambridge Singers
128 g
Größe (L/B/H)
143/127/12 mm


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