Der Sampler Folk and Great Tunes from Scotland zeigt die ganze Vielfalt der schottischen Musiklandschaft. Mit dabei sind u. a. Twelfth Day, Breabach, Paul McKenna Band, Rachel Newton, Sarah-Jane Summers & Juhani Silvola, Tannara, Rura, Claire Hastings, The Elephant Sessions und viele mehr.
CD 1: / 1. Breabach: The Midnight Sun / 2. Twelfth Day: Young Sir / 3. Shooglenifty: The Scorpian/The Devil's Breath Hornpipe / 4. Paul McKenna Band: Song of Choise / 5. Iona Fyfe Band: Earl Richard / 6. Rachel Newton: Gura Mise Tha Fo Mhulad / 7. Skerryvore: By Your Side / 8. Sarah-Jane Summers and Juhani Silvola: Widdershins / 9. Fara: The Dragon / 10. Gary Innes: The Caman Man / 11. Tannara: Queen Jane / 12. Manran: An Da La / 13. Treacherous Orchestra: The Sly One / 14. Rura: The Glorius 45 / 15. Claire Hastings: I Missed The Boat / 16. The Elephant Sessions: Wet Field Day / CD 2: / 1. Treacherous Orchestra: Masters / 2. Shooglenifty: The Untied Knot/The Fall/Mile Marbhaisg Air A' Ghaol / 3. Manran: Fiasco / 4. Breabach: Mo Thruaighe Leir Thu Ille Bhuidhe / 5. Rura: The Lasher / 6. Fara: Whisky You're The Devil / 7. Paul McKenna Band: Long Days / 8. Twelfth Day: The Devil Makes Three / 9. Tannara: Two Birds, No Stones / 10. Claire Hastings: The House At Rosehill / 11. Sarah-Jane Summers and Juhani Silvola: Itzikel / 12. Skerryvore: Can You Hear Us / 13. Elephant Sessions: Bulgaria / 14. Iona Fyfe Band: Bonny Udny / 15. Rachel Newton: The Bloody Gardener / 16. Gary Innes: Loch Arkaig /
1.01: The Midnight Sun
1.02: Young Sir
1.03: The Scorpian / The Devil's Breath Hornpipe
1.04: Song of Choise
1.05: Earl Richard
1.06: Gura Mise Tha Fo Mhulad
1.07: By Your Side
1.08: Widdershins
1.09: The Dragon
1.10: The Caman Man
1.11: Queen Jane
1.12: An Da La
1.13: The Sly One
1.14: The Glorius 45
1.15: I Missed The Boat
1.16: Wet Field Day
2.01: Masters
2.02: The Untied Knot / The Fall / Mile Marbhaisg Air A' Ghaol
2.03: Fiasco
2.04: Mo Thruaighe Leir Thu 'Ille Bhuidhe
2.05: The Lasher
2.06: Whisky You're The Devil
2.07: Long Days
2.08: The Devil Makes Three
2.09: Two Birds, No Stones
2.10: The House At Rosehill
2.11: Itzikel
2.12: Can You Hear Us
2.13: Bulgaria
2.14: Bonny Udny
2.15: The Bloody Gardener
2.16: Loch Arkaig