Ahmed Amin's introduction to his study contains a pivotal question that is that the current Europe is the result of its scientific and historical development, or is this development resulted from its nature and circumstances. It is clear that the question of Ahmed Amin did not come from a lack of, as there was a theory at the time that was returning the economic and political development of Europe to its geographical and climatic nature: the cold and geographical formation that imposes a strong interior on the regions and prevents its connection. First of all, Ahmed Amin addresses the terms of the East and the West and sees that they are two years and the border separation between them is meaningless, and it ends up saying that geography does not constitute a decisive difference between them and that the modern Western civilization is not the highest of civilization, in which there are neutral defects and despite its establishment of science, the moral poverty is similar in it, One of its impurities is that it belongs to herself with things that it prohibits on others.