Operating room technique is the science of how to run an Operating Room Suite. Operational operating room managementfocuses on maximizing operational efficiency at the facility, i. e. to maximize the number of surgical cases that can be done ona given day while minimizing the required resources and related costs. The book is the text of choice for understanding basicsurgical principles and techniques. Highly readable, accurate, and comprehensive, it clearly covers the "e; nuts and bolts"e; ofsurgical techniques in a step-by-step format that makes it easy to effectively apply basic principles to clinical practice. Thisbook emphasizes the importance of teamwork throughout, with practical strategies and examples of how cooperationamong perioperative caregivers contributes to positive patient care outcomes. With a strong focus on the physiologic, psychologic, and spiritual considerations of perioperative patients, this edition gives students the knowledge they need toplan and implement comprehensive, individualized care. The aim of this book is to present a straightforward, uncomplicatedapproach to the subject both for the pupils, their teachers and researchers.