Perfect: A swinging sixties spy with the appeal of The Avengers' Mrs Peel but the clumsy cluelessness of Inspector Clouseau - she may be called Perfect but she's far from it! Perfect: Volume 2 contains four gloriously original tales with a similar surreal 1960s flavour to shows such as The Man From U. N. C. L. E. and The Prisoner. With each of the four humorous stories included in every volume illustrated by a different artist (and written by a different author) the reader can experience Perfect's crazy world of espionage from a multitude of perspectives. In Volume 2 these artists are Simon A Brett, Gary Andrews, Chris Geary and Robin Grenville Evans. Throughout this issue we find our heroine dealing with a set of mystical code-breaking saris, dodgy goings-on at an international music contest, a moon landing conspiracy and posing as an air hostess with the mostest. . . Whether you're a fan of sixties style, sexy spies, silly slapstick and serious sub-plots or are just sick of all the superhero comics out there, this is the Perfect series for you!