Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) is the poet of the night world, of the inexplicable, the uncanny. His poems do not analyse, they do not explain: they exist with the intensity of hallucinations. In the breathtakingly seductive beauty of 'To Helen’ - 'Like those Nicéan barks of yore, / that gently o’ er a perfumed sea. . . ’ , or the claustrophobic horror of 'The Raven’ , Poe offers haunting alternative realities, as strange - and strangely familiar - as our dreams and nightmares. Yet Poe was more than a poet of American gothic. He was translated by Baudelaire and Mallarmé, becoming a key figure in French Symbolism; he was an influential critic. This edition contains all Poe’ s poetry and his three most important essays. With an introduction by the poet C. H. Sisson, it is an indispensable collection of the work of one of the nineteenth century’ s most compelling and original poets.
Table of Contents Introduction POEMS To Helen The Raven The Vallye of Unrest Bridal Ballad The Sleeper The Coliseum Lenore Catholic Hymn Israfel Dreamland Sonnet: To Zante The City in the Sea To One in Paradise Eulalie T F---s S. O---d To F--- Sonnet: Silence The Conqueror Worm The Haunted Palace Scenese from Politian POEMS WRITTEN IN YOUTH Sonnet to Science Al Aaraaf Tamerlane A Dream Romance Fairyland To--- To the River--- To Lake. To--- Song LATER POEMS A Dream within a Dream The Bells To Helen A Valentine An Enigma To--- --- To my Mother Eldorado To--- To M.L.S--- For Annie Ulalume Annabel Lee ESSAYS ON POETRY The Poetic Principle The Rationale of Verse The Philosphy of Composition