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A Conssitahb

40 Lesepunkte
eBook epub
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Klowa had been working the docks as a loss investigator for three centuries, seven hundred and something Earth years. He had gradually built a reputation for results, and for discretion. It is that reputation for discretion that gets him his first case working for one of the captains of the cabal of companies that move almost all cargo in the basin. Someone is putting his ships under unqualified captains, and the losses are piling up.

This case calls for the utmost in discretion, for the owner of the company meets him personally and the suspects are some of the highest officers in the company. Initial evidence leads to one of the officers and Klowa is just about to wrap up the case when he realizes that the man is being framed. But as soon as he looks into that, he wonders if it could be a double frame?

The creak and rumble of Zhlindu's docks, as well as its print shops, music halls and the mansions of the wealthy atop the towers are the backdrop for this mystery that could only happen in Zhlindu. Ancient Troll customs and the complex history of the southern part of the basin figure deeply in the events chronicled within.

Much has been said lately (2018ad) regarding unwanted sexual advances made by men toward women. That is the case in our society today where a good portion of the male population thinks that any unescorted woman is fair game. On Kassidor, things are evened out because of the Instinct, no one can use force on another. There can be no rape and no force used to secure a partner. That does not end all sexual advances of course, but it does allow for situations where the tables are turned, as they are on Klowa as he works his first case among the wealthy and powerful. Luray warns him that he will have more women pursuing him now, and in only a couple days he begins to think he's going to need a biological enhancement to finish this.

The case itself is not the only thing happening in his life at the time. His three century relationship with Luray is in danger, making it even more problematic that he meets women asking for favors at every turn. To make it even more difficult, he meets several that he likes and who help him tremendously with the investigation, making it blatantly rude to turn them down.


03. Juni 2021
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Lee Willard
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Lee Willard

I am a retired embedded systems engineer and sci-fi hobbyist from Hartford. Most of my stories concern Kassidor, 'The planet the hippies came from' which I have used to examine subjects like: What would it take to make the hippy lifestyle real? How would extended lifespans affect society? What could happen if we outlive our memories? How can murder be committed when violence is impossible?

I have recently discovered that someone new to science fiction should start their exploration of Kassidor with the Second Expedition trilogy. To the mainstream fiction reader the alien names of people, places and things can be confusing. This series has a little more explanation of the differences between Kassidor and Earth. In all of the Kassidor stories you will notice the people do not act like ordinary humans but like flower children from the 60's. It is not until Zhlindu that the actual modifications made to human nature to make them act that way are spelled out. To aide that understanding I've made The Second Expedition free.

I am not a fan of violence and dystopia. I believe that sci-fi does not just predict the future, but helps create the future because we sci-fi writers show our readers what the future will be and the readers go out and create it. I believe that the current fad of constant dystopia and mega-violence in sci-fi today is helping to create that world, and I mention that often in reviews and comments on the books I read. I also believe that the characters in those stories who are completely free of any affection are at least as unnatural as the modified humans of Kassidor.

In my reviews, * = couldn't finish it. ** = Don't bother with it. *** = good story worth reading. **** = great and memorable story. ***** = Worth a Hugo.


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