Morgan Lucas Schuldt died of complications from cystic fibrosis on Jan. 30, 2012, twelve days before his thirty-fourth birthday. Schuldt earned an MFA in Poetry and an MA in Literature at the University of Arizona. He completed two book-length collections, erros and Verge (Parlor Press, 2007), as well as three chapbooks, (as vanish, unespecially) (Flying Guillotine Press, 2012), L=u=N=G=U=A=G=E (Scantily Clad Press, 2009) and Otherhow (Kitchen Press, 2007). A writer of criticism, reviews and interviews, he was a mentor to many poets and a dedicated enthusiast of the work he loved, co-founding and editing CUE (A Journal of Prose Poetry), and editing CUE Editions, a chapbook series.