The final, the fifth book of the famous artistic and documentary series written by Svetlana Aleksievich Voices Utopia.
Communism was an insane plan, says the author, to alter the old man, decrepit Adam. And it turned out . . . Perhaps the only thing that happened. For more than seventy years in the laboratory of Marxism-Leninism - have made detached type of human - homo - soveticus. Some believe that it is tragic character, others call it SOVOK. I think I know this man, he is very familiar to me, I'm with him, side by side
has lived many years. He - is me. Those are my friends, my friends, my parents.
Monologues included in the book, were recorded for ten years travelling over the former Soviet Union.
"Svetlana Aleksievich, writer, author of books in the genre of nonfiction, translated into more than 20 countries around the world.
Lives and works in Belarus.
(Instead of a biography)
I've been looking for a genre that would fit the way I see the world. Besides, what's inside my eye, my ear . . . I tried myself . . . . And chose the genre of human voices . . . I look out and I listen to the streets. Outside the window. They are real people talk about the major events of their time - the war, the collapse of the socialist empire, Chernobyl, and together they leave in the word - the country's history, general history. The old and the newest. And everyone - the story of my little man's fate."