It is with great pleasure that we present the proceedings of the 6th Inter- tional, Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2010), which was held in Las Vegas, Nevada. ISVC provides a common umbrella for the four main areas of visual computing including vision, graphics, visualization, and virtual reality. The goal is to provide a forum for researchers, scientists, engineers, and pr- titioners throughout the world to present their latest research ? ndings, ideas, developments, and applications in the broader area of visual computing. This year, the program consisted of 14 oral sessions, one poster session, 7 special tracks, and 6 keynote presentations. The response to the call for papers was very good; we received over 300 submissions for the main symposium from which we accepted 93 papers for oral presentation and 73 papers for poster p- sentation. Special track papers were solicited separately through the Organizing and Program Committees of each track. A total of 44 papers were accepted for oral presentation and 6 papers for poster presentation in the special tracks.
Calibration, Pose Estimation, and Reconstruction. - Multiple Camera Self-calibration and 3D Reconstruction Using Pedestrians. - Robust Radial Distortion from a Single Image. - Projective Reconstruction of General 3D Planar Curves from Uncalibrated Cameras. - A Novel Photometric Method for Real-Time 3D Reconstruction of Fingerprint. - 3D Camera Pose Estimation Using Line Correspondences and 1D Homographies. - Near-Optimal Selection of Views and Surface Regions for ICP Pose Estimation. - Segmentation. - Region and Edge-Adaptive Sampling and Boundary Completion for Segmentation. - Universal Seed Skin Segmentation. - A Sharp Concentration-Based Adaptive Segmentation Algorithm. - Segmentation for Hyperspectral Images with Priors. - The Curve Filter Transform A Robust Method for Curve Enhancement. - Split Bregman Method for Minimization of Region-Scalable Fitting Energy for Image Segmentation. - Stereo. - A Correlation-Based Approach for Real-Time Stereo Matching. - Photometric Stereo under Low Frequency Environment Illumination. - Simultaneous Vanishing Point Detection and Camera Calibration from Single Images. - Inferring Planar Patch Equations from Sparse View Stereo Images. - Single Camera Stereo System Using Prism and Mirrors. - A Region-Based Randomized Voting Scheme for Stereo Matching. - Virtual Reality II. - Adaptive Neighbor Pairing for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. - System Structures for Efficient Rendering in Virtual Worlds and Virtual Testbeds. - Prismfields: A Framework for Interactive Modeling of Three Dimensional Caves. - Efficient Marker Matching Using Pair-Wise Constraints in Physical Therapy. - Learning and Prediction of Soft Object Deformation Using Visual Analysis of Robot Interactions. - Registration. - A Novel Consistency Regularizer for Meshless Nonrigid ImageRegistration. - Robust Rigid Shape Registration Method Using a Level Set Formulation. - A Meshless Method for Variational Nonrigid 2-D Shape Registration. - A New Simple Method to Stitch Images with Lens Distortion. - Robust Mosaicking of Stereo Digital Elevation Models from the Ames Stereo Pipeline. - Medical Imaging. - Tissue Fate Prediction in Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Cuboid Models. - 3D Vector Flow Guided Segmentation of Airway Wall in MSCT. - Graph-Based Segmentation of Lymph Nodes in CT Data. - Electron Microscopy Image Segmentation with Graph Cuts Utilizing Estimated Symmetric Three-Dimensional Shape Prior. - Retinal Vessel Extraction with the Image Ray Transform. - Automatic Liver Segmentation from CT Scans Using Multi-layer Segmentation and Principal Component Analysis. - ST: Low Cost Virtual Reality: Expanding Horizons. - Low Cost VR Meets Low Cost Multi-touch. - IQ-Station: A Low Cost Portable Immersive Environment. - A Fiducial-Based Tangible User Interface for White Matter Tractography. - Immersive Molecular Visualization and Interactive Modeling with Commodity Hardware. - ST: Best Practices in Teaching Visual Computing. - Multi-institutional Collaboration in Delivery of Team-Project-Based Computer Graphics Studio Courses. - A Workflow Based Process Visual Analyzer (ProVisZer) for Teaching and Learning. - Teaching Geometric Modeling Algorithms and Data Structures through Laser Scanner Acquisition Pipeline. - Creating Passion for Augmented Reality Applications A Teaching Concept for a Lab Course. - Applications. - Object Material Classification by Surface Reflection Analysis with a Time-of-Flight Range Sensor. - Retrieving Images of Similar Geometrical Configuration. - An Analysis-by-Synthesis Approach to Rope Condition Monitoring. - Fast Parallel Model Estimation on the CellBroadband Engine. - Organizing and Browsing Image Search Results Based on Conceptual and Visual Similarities. - Evaluation of a Difference of Gaussians Based Image Difference Metric in Relation to Perceived Compression Artifacts. - Visualization II. - Distance Field Illumination: A Rendering Method to Aid in Navigation of Virtual Environments. - Indirect Shader Domain Rendering. - Visual Exploration of Stream Pattern Changes Using a Data-Driven Framework. - RibbonView: Interactive Context-Preserving Cutaways of Anatomical Surface Meshes. - Interactive Visualisation of Time-Based Vital Signs. - Using R-Trees for Interactive Visualization of Large Multidimensional Datasets. - Combining Automated and Interactive Visual Analysis of Biomechanical Motion Data. - Video Analysis and Event Recognition. - Human Activity Recognition: A Scheme Using Multiple Cues. - A Platform for Monitoring Aspects of Human Presence in Real-Time. - Egocentric Visual Event Classification with Location-Based Priors. - View Invariant Activity Recognition with Manifold Learning. - Arm-Hand Behaviours Modelling: From Attention to Imitation. - Hand Detection and Gesture Recognition Exploit Motion Times Image in Complicate Scenarios. - Face Verification Using Indirect Neighbourhood Components Analysis. - Poster Session. - Efficient Algorithms for Image and High Dimensional Data Processing Using Eikonal Equation on Graphs. - 3D DCT Based Compression Method for Integral Images. - Plant Texture Classification Using Gabor Co-occurrences. - A Compressive Sensing Algorithm for Many-Core Architectures. - An Incremental PCA-HOG Descriptor for Robust Visual Hand Tracking. - Probabilistic Learning of Visual Object Composition from Attended Segments. - Propagating Uncertainty in Petri Nets for Activity Recognition. - Mixture of Gaussians Exploiting Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Background Subtraction. - Human Pose Recognition Using Chamfer Distance in Reduced Background Edge for Human-Robot Interaction. - Modeling Clinical Tumors to Create Reference Data for Tumor Volume Measurement. - Spectral Image Decolorization.