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Invited papers. - Putting the Hodge and Tate Conjectures to the Test. - Curves of Genus 3 with a Group of Automorphisms Isomorphic to S3. - Learning with Errors over Rings. - Lattices and Spherical Designs. - Fixed Points for Discrete Logarithms. - Contributed papers. - Explicit Coleman Integration for Hyperelliptic Curves. - Smallest Reduction Matrix of Binary Quadratic Forms. - Practical Improvements to Class Group and Regulator Computation of Real Quadratic Fields. - On the Use of the Negation Map in the Pollard Rho Method. - An O(M(n) logn) Algorithm for the Jacobi Symbol. - New Families of ECM Curves for Cunningham Numbers. - Visualizing Elements of Sha[3] in Genus 2 Jacobians. - On Weil Polynomials of K3 Surfaces. - Class Invariants by the CRT Method. - Short Bases of Lattices over Number Fields. - On the Complexity of the Montes Ideal Factorization Algorithm. - Congruent Number Theta Coefficients to 1012. - Pairing the Volcano. - A Subexponential Algorithm for Evaluating Large Degree Isogenies. - Huff s Model for Elliptic Curves. - Efficient Pairing Computation with Theta Functions. - Small-Span Characteristic Polynomials of Integer Symmetric Matrices. - Decomposition Attack for the Jacobian of a Hyperelliptic Curve over an Extension Field. - Factoring Polynomials over Local Fields II. - On a Problem of Hajdu and Tengely. - Sieving for Pseudosquares and Pseudocubes in Parallel Using Doubly-Focused Enumeration and Wheel Datastructures. - On the Extremality of an 80-Dimensional Lattice. - Computing Automorphic Forms on Shimura Curves over Fields with Arbitrary Class Number. - Improved Primality Proving with Eisenstein Pseudocubes. - Hyperbolic Tessellations Associated to Bianchi Groups.