Arti? cial immune systems (AIS) is a diverse and maturing area of research that bridges the disciplines of immunology and engineering. The scope of AIS ranges fromimmune-inspiredalgorithmsandengineeringsolutionsinsoftwareandha- ware, to the understanding of immunology through modeling and simulation of immune system concepts. AIS algorithms have been applied to a wide variety of applications, including computer security, fault tolerance, data mining and optimization. In addition, theoretical aspects of arti? cial and real immune s- tems have been the subject of mathematical and computational models and simulations. The 8th InternationalConference on AIS (ICARIS 2009)built on the success of previous years, providing a forum for a diverse group of AIS researchers to present and discuss their latest results and advances. After two years outside Europe, ICARIS 2009 returned to England, the venue for the ? rst ICARIS back in 2002. This year s conference was located in the historic city of York, and was held in St. William s College, the conference venue of York Minster, northern Europe s largest Gothic cathedral.
Immune System Modeling. - Agent Based Modeling of Lung Metastasis-Immune System Competition. - Using UML to Model EAE and Its Regulatory Network. - Non-deterministic Explanation of Immune Responses: A Computer Model. - Dendritic Cell Trafficking: From Immunology to Engineering. - A Hybrid Agent Based and Differential Equation Model of Body Size Effects on Pathogen Replication and Immune System Response. - Nonself Detection in a Two-Component Cellular Frustrated System. - Questions of Function: Modelling the Emergence of Immune Response. - Object-Oriented Refactoring of Existing Immune Models. - Mathematical Model of HIV Superinfection and Comparative Drug Therapy. - Theoretical Aspects of Artificial Immune Systems. - Exploration of the Dendritic Cell Algorithm Using the Duration Calculus. - On AIRS and Clonal Selection for Machine Learning. - A Theoretical Analysis of Immune Inspired Somatic Contiguous Hypermutations for Function Optimization. - Comparing Different Aging Operators. - Efficient Algorithms for String-Based Negative Selection. - T Cell Receptor Signalling Inspired Kernel Density Estimation and Anomaly Detection. - Applied Artificial Immune Systems. - An Immuno-engineering Approach for Anomaly Detection in Swarm Robotics. - An Immune-Inspired Approach to Qualitative System Identification of the Detoxification Pathway of Methylglyoxal. - Application of AIS Based Classification Algorithms to Detect Overloaded Areas in Power System Networks. - Artificial Immune System Applied to the Multi-stage Transmission Expansion Planning. - Immune Learning in a Dynamic Information Environment. - Unsupervised Structure Damage Classification Based on the Data Clustering and Artificial Immune Pattern Recognition. - A Sense of `Danger for Windows Processes. - An Immunity Inspired Real-TimeCooperative Control Framework for Networked Multi-agent Systems. - Managing Diversity on an AIS That Solves 3-Colouring Problems. - An Error Propagation Algorithm for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. - Grammar-Based Immune Programming for Symbolic Regression. - A New Algorithm Based on Negative Selection and Idiotypic Networks for Generating Parsimonious Detector Sets for Industrial Fault Detection Applications. - Parametric Modelling of a Flexible Plate Structure Using Artificial Immune System Algorithm. - A Hybrid Approach for Learning Concept Hierarchy from Malay Text Using GAHC and Immune Network. - An Immune Inspired Algorithm for Solving Dynamic Vehicle Dispatching Problem in a Port Container Terminal.