Eugène Guillevic (1907-1997) was one of France's leading poets in the second half of the twentieth century. Guillevic, as he preferred to be known, published more than 35 collections of poetry in his lifetime. Monique Chefdor, formerly professor of French and Comparative Literature at Scripps College, Claremont University Center, California, and Maître de Conférences in Comparative Literature at the University of Picardie Jules Verne, France, has published extensively on 20th century French literature, notably on Cendrars, Proust, Segalen, Guillevic and the relationship between painters and writers. Stella Harvey is the author of a monograph Myth and the Sacred in the Poetry of Guillevic (Amsterdam-Atlanta:Rodopi, 1997) and has published a number of articles on Guillevic, the most recent of which appear in Guillevic maintenant (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2011) and Notes Guillevic Notes (Vol. I , Fall/Automne, 2011). Lucie Albertini Guillevic, the poet's widow, is a writer and translator. Her collaborations as a translator have introduced to major French publishers (Maurice Nadeau, Gallimard, Actes Sud, Arfuyen) some forty Swedish and Finnish writers, including August Strindberg, Stig Dagerman, Ingmar Bergman, Bo Carpelan, Lars Gustafsson, Edith Södergran, Tua Forsström, Lars Norèn, Paavo Haavikko, and Pentti Holappa.