This collection investigates the "state of play" in studies informed by Marxism. Among other contributions, it includes an essay on state theory by Bob Jessop, a discussion of fundamental socialist values using analytical Marxism by Alan Carling.
List of Tables and Figures Preface Acknowledgement Abbreviation: Marx and Engels, Collected Works Notes on the Contributors Introduction: Marxism at the Millennium and Beyond?; M.Cowling & P.Reynolds PART I: TOWARDS A FEASIBLE SOCIALIST POLITICS What do Socialists Want?; A.Carling The Ethical Marxism of Erich Fromm; L.Wilde The Ethical Post-Marxism of Alasdair MacIntyre; K.Knight Habermas on Theory and Political Practice; P.M.R.Stirk PART II: MARXISM AND THE STATE Recent Development in State Theory: Approaches, Issues, Agendas; B.Jessop Marxism, Liberalism and State Theory; P.Wetherly Class Struggle and Revolution in Eastern Europe: The Case of Poland; R.Simon PART III: DEVELOPING MARXIST POLITICS AT THE MILLENNIUM Trotsky, Trotskyism and the Future; H.Ticktin Democratic Marxism: The Legacy of Hal Draper; A.Johnson Femininities: A Way of Linking Socialism and Feminism; M.Cowling Development of the Productive Forces: An Ecological Analysis; J.Hughes PART IV: MARXISM AND POST-MARXISM Post-Marxism: Radical Political Theory and Practice Beyond Marxism?; P.Reynolds The Post-Marxist Critique of Marxism: The Case of Agnes Heller; S.Tormey 'Not Dead Yet': Marxism and Political Theory in the Era of Post-Communism; M.Levin Index