'MathPhys Odyssey 2001' will serve as an excellent reference text for mathematical physicists and graduate students in a number of areas. ; Kashiwara/Miwa have a good track record with both SV and Birkhauser.
Wavevector-Dependent Susceptibility in Aperiodic Planar Ising Models.- Correlation Functions and Susceptibility in the Z-Invariant Ising Model.- A Rapidity-Independent Parameter in the Star-Triangle Relation.- Evaluation of Integrals Representing Correlations in the XXX Heisenberg Spin Chain.- A Note on Quotients of the Onsager Algebra.- Evaluation Parameters and Bethe Roots for the Six-Vertex Model at Roots of Unity.- Normalization Factors, Reflection Amplitudes and Integrable Systems.- Vertex Operator Algebra Arising from the Minimal Series M(3, p)and Monomial Basis.- Paths, Crystals and Fermionic Formulae.- The Nonlinear Steepest Descent Approach to the Asymptotics of the Second Painlevé Transcendent in the Complex Domain.- Generalized Umemura Polynomials and the Hirota Miwa Equation.- Correlation Functions of Quantum Integrable Models: The XXZ Spin Chain.- On Form Factors of the SU(2) Invariant Thirring Model.- Integrable Boundaries and Universal TBA Functional Equations.- Conformal Field Theories, Graphs and Quantum Algebras.- q-Supernomial Coefficients: From Riggings to Ribbons.- Separation of Variables for Quantum Integrable Models Related to $${U_q}({\widehat {sl}_N})$$.- On a Distribution Function Arising in Computational Biology.