Nationalism and nationalist ideas are a major force in the contemporary world. This volume brings together original papers from a number of countries dealing both with theories and case studies of particular national contexts. This book was originally published as a special issue of Ethnic and Racial Studies.
1. Introduction: Nationalism and national identities Martin Bulmer, University of Surrey, UK, and John Solomos, City University London, UK 2. Accounting for separatist sentiment in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the North Caucasus of Russia: a comparative analysis of survey responses John O'Loughlin, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA, and Gearóid Ó Tuathail (Gerard Toal), Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, USA 3. From National-Catholicism to Democratic Patriotism? Democratization and reconstruction of national pride: the case of Spain (1981-2000) Jordi Muñoz, PhD candidate, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain 4. 'Exclusive recognition': the new dimensions of the question of ethnicity and nationalism in Turkey Cenk Saracoglu, Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus 5. The politics of war memory in radical Basque nationalism Diego Muro, King's College London, UK 6. The patrimonial state and inter-ethnic conflicts in Nigeria Ukana B. Ikpe, University of Uyo, Nigeria 7. Basque-Atlantic shores: ethnicity, the nation-state and the diaspora in Europe and America (1808-98) Fernando Molina, University of the Basque Country, Spain, and Pedro J. Oiarzabal, University of Deusto, Spain 8. How master frames mislead: the division and eclipse of nationalist movements in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan Lawrence P. Markowitz, Oberlin College, USA