Quantum Optics VI documents the most recent theoretical and experimental developments in this field, with particular emphasis on atomic optics and interferometry, which is a new and rapidly developing area of research. New methods for quantum-noise reduction are also covered.
I Quantum Optics Experiments. - An Axially Symmetric Imaging System for Ultra-Cold Neutral Atoms. - Matter-Wave Optics and Interferometry with Laser-Cooled Atoms. - Towards a Cold-Atom Matter-Wave Interferometer. - Uncertainty-Principle-Limited Position Measurement of Moving Atoms. - Atoms Optics with Standing Waves of Light. - II Atomic Optics Theory. - Quantum Effects in Atomic Diffraction and Reflection. - Theory of Interactions Between Laser-Cooled Atoms. - Many-Body Theory of Atom Optics. - Bragg Scattering of a Coherent Ultracold Atomic Beam in Nonlinear Atom Optics. - Atom Optics in Quantized Light Fields. - Quantum Nonlinear Dynamics in Atom Optics. - Non-Classical States of Motion and Quantum Collapse and Revival in an Ion Trap. - III Quantum Measurement and Quantum Noise. - Quantum Non-Demolition Measurements and Back-Action-Induced Squeezing in Atomic-Three-Level Systems. - Competing ? (2) Nonlinearities in a Cavity. - Measurement Effects on Quantum Optical Systems. - Quantum-Optical Phase and Its Measurement. - Nonlinear Quantum Optics with Few Atoms. - Dissipative Environments: Quantum Jumps or Phase-Space Localization? . - Ponderomotive Control of Quantum Noise. - Quantum Soliton Collisions: Logic and QND. - Nonlinear and Quantum Dynamics of an Optical Cavity Containing Cold Atoms. - Quantum Optics with Mirrors. - Decoherence: Is Dissipation All It Takes? . - IV New Theoretical Techniques. - Quantum Optical Correlations: A Green s Function Approach. - Wigner Distributions for Quantum States with Minimum Phase Uncertainty. - Spatial and Temporal Optical Field Reconstruction Using Phase-Space Tomography. - Driving Atoms with Light of Arbitrary Statistics. - Quantum Trajectories and Stochastic Schrödinger Equation for Nonlinear Optical Processes. - V Applications in Laser Physics. -Intensity Coherence in Multimode Lasers. - Electron-Photon Manipulation with Sub-Poissonian Semiconductor Junction Arrays. - Near Dipole-Dipole Effects in Nonlinear and Quantum Optics with Applications to Piezophotonic Switching. - A Superradiant Laser. - Laser-Induced Processes in Molecular Systems. - Coherent Pulse Propagation in Mode-Locked Laser Systems. - Long-Range Atom-Dielectric Interactions. - Index of Contributors.