Academic and author Dr. Spinder Dhaliwal is a recognised and
leading expert in her field. Spinder has written extensively about
the Asian business community and compiles 'Britain's Richest
Asians' in Success magazine for Eastern Eye reflecting her long
held interest in the field. She wrote the influential study "Silent
contributors - Asian Female Entrepreneurs and Women in
Business" which highlighted this important, yet often neglected,
issue. Her report for Barclays Bank entitled, 'Asian entrepreneurs
in the UK" received global attention.
Spinder knows all about the challenges of the Asian entrepreneur
from first hand experience. Her parents, who came to the UK from
the Punjab in the 1960's, ran a corner shop in which Spinder
balanced the demands of a busy family business with high academic
She has been a regular contributor to the Asian media and, in
the past few years, has become an increasingly influential figure
in more mainstream circles. She was the founder and director
of the centre for Asian Entrepreneurial research and is a
Board Member of the Institute of Small Business and Enterprise.
Spinder is also invited to address audiences as a speaker, is a
freelance writer and helps major organisations target and
understand the Asian community.