An intellectual journey in which Al-Aqqad takes us between the worlds of literature, philosophy, and art, revealing to us treasures of knowledge and insights from contemplation. In this book, Al-Akkad collects his articles, which he wrote with the eye of a critic who loves reading. He reviews literary and intellectual works and weaves around them analyzes that are characterized by the depth of his culture and breadth of knowledge. Each page takes you through his thoughts on issues of literature and thought, as if you were sharing with him the hours he spent between the covers of books, immersed in their worlds. In his eloquent style, Al-Akkad opens a window into his mind to the reader, so that this book is a ticket for reading and contemplation, and an opportunity to learn about Al-Akkad's view of knowledge, which does not stop at words, but rather penetrates to the essence of meanings and the secrets of the arts.