FAMILY / CHILDBIRTH "Should I give birth at home, in a birth center, or in a hospital? Should I see a midwife or an obstetrician for prenatal care? What approach to pain relief should I use during labor? How does a waterbirth work?" Expectant parents are faced with a daunting array of choices to make about prenatal care, labor, and birth. In Gentle Birth Choices Barbara Harper, renowned childbirth advocate, nurse, midwife, and mother of three, explains all the available choices and shows how to plan a truly meaningful, family-centered birth experience. She dispels the medical myths that so often shift control of birth away from women and reimagines birth without fear or violence and with minimal pain. Harper reveals the abundant range of gentle birth approaches, including: - giving birth in an independent birth center, at home, or in a hospital birthing room - finding a primary caregiver who shares your philosophy of birth - deciding how to best use current technologies She also provides practical advice for couples wishing to explore options such as hiring a doula or laboring in water to avoid the unwanted effects of drugs and epidurals. "Exactly the sort of guide that pregnant women have been needing to help them sort through the myriad choices and options that confront them today." --Robbie Davis-Floyd, author of Birth As an American Rite of Passage "Gentle Birth Choices provides a new model of maternity care that reduces the need for high-tech crisis intervention and focuses instead on preparation and health." --Healthworld "A must-have for expectant mothers and their loved ones. . . . Gentle Birth Choices is an intelligent and sympathetic guide to birthing options that explores nontraditional ways that put women and their babies first." --New Age Retailer The author's accompanying 60-minute Gentle Birth Choices DVD blends interviews of midwives and physicians with footage of six different birth experiences--including a home birth, waterbirths, vaginal birth after a prior Cesarean section, and birth with other children present. The DVD vividly demonstrates the strength of women during childbirth and the healthy and happy outcome of women exercising gentle birth choices. It is a moving and powerful instructional tool, not only for expectant parents, but also for midwives, hospitals, birth centers, and doctors. "Brace yourself for a powerful experience. This remarkable production combines art, education, and politics. Highly recommended." --Mothering Magazine BARBARA HARPER's passion for natural birth led to the founding in 1988 of Global Maternal/Child Health Association, a nonprofit organization dedicated to education and research about natural childbirth. She lectures worldwide on maternity care reform and waterbirth. She lives outside of Portland, Oregon.
Foreword by Robbie Davis-Floyd
Chapter 1
Gentle Beginnings
Wonderfully Made
Ingredients for a Gentle Birth
Chapter 2
The Medicalization of Childbirth
Our Legacy of Birth
From Midwife to Physician
The Promise of Science
Pain Relief: The Era of “Twilight Sleep”
Hospital Births for Everyone
Unmasking Prenatal Testing
Medical Legal Dilemmas
The Results of Medical Intervention
Chapter 3
Dispelling the Medical Myths
Myth: The Hospital is the Safest Place to Have a Baby
Myth: Maternity Care Should Be Managed Only by a Physician
Myth: The Electronic Fetal Monitor Will Save Babies
Myth: All Babies Should be Born On or Before Their Due Date
Myth: Drugs for Pain Relief Won’t Hurt the Baby
Myth: Once a Cesarean, Always a Cesarean
Myth: An Episiotomy Heals Better Than a Tear
Myth: Birth Needs to be Sterile
Myth: The Older You Are the More Difficult Your Birth Will Be
Myth: It’s Better Not to Eat or Drink during Labor
Myth: Family and Friends Interfere during Birth
Myth: The Baby Needs to be Observed in a Newborn Nursery
Myth: Baby Boys Need to Be Circumcised
Chapter 4
A Gentle Revolution
Birth without Fear
Birth without Pain
Birth without Violence
Birth Reborn
Birth without Rules
Birth with Consciousness
Women Take Back Their Births
Chapter 5
Midwifery In America: A Growing Tradition
The Midwives Model of Maternity Care
The Evolution of Midwifery
Midwifery Revolution
The Politics of Midwifery
A Midwife for Every Mother
Chapter 6
Why Waterbirth?
Waterbirth History
Beyond the Leboyer Bath
Labor Pools in France
Making Waves in the United States
The United Kingdom Takes the Plunge
Waterbirth around the World
Questions Everyone Asks About Waterbirth
Just For Providers
The Future of Waterbirth
Chapter 7
The Mind-Body Connection
Womb Ecology
Mind-Body Response
Listening to Your Body
Listening to the Baby
Mind-Body Preparations for a Gentle Birth
The Sexuality of Childbirth
Holistic Prenatal Preparation
Mind, Body, Spirit in Unity
Chapter 8
Creating Gentle Birth Choices
Planning Your Birth
What Women Want
Consumers Create Choices
Health Care For All Women and Children by 2015
Appendix A: Questions to Ask a Doctor
Appendix B: Questions to Ask a Midwife
Appendix C: Sample Birth Plan
Appendix D: Sample Letter to Hospital
Appendix E: Resources
About the Photographs and the Photographers