This book is devoted to a comparison of the governmental and economic institutions of north and south zones of Viet-Nam; that each zone has its own set of economic and political troubles and that both sides are engaged in military efforts which may well overwhelm them in the end.
Preface -- The Common Ground -- The Physical Setting -- A Glimpse of the Past -- Colonial Interlude -- White Man's End -- "Doc-Lap!" -- Revolution in the North -- The Rise of Ho Chi Minh -- The Road to Dien Bien Phu -- Garrison State -- "Road to Socialism" -- Insurgency in the South -- The Lost Decade -- Agony of a War -- Ngo Dinh Diem- Man and Myth -- A Tale of Two Republics -- The Economic Base -- The Second Indochina War -- "National Liberation" -- The Two Viet-Nams in Perspective -- Text of the North Vietnamese Constitution of 1960 -- Manifesto of the Eighteen -- Program of the National Liberation Front of South Viet-Nam -- Proclamations by South Vietnamese Council of Generals -- Decision of the Revolutionary Council -- Proclamation by General Nguyen Khanh on the Coup D'etat of January 30, 1964 -- Text of the Nguyen Cao KY Convention [Issued in Saigon, June 19, 1965.] -- Texts of the Communique and Declarations of the Seven-Nation Manila Conference on South Viet-Nam