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A Christmas Carol

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(125 Bewertungen)15
180 Lesepunkte
17,99 €inkl. Mwst.
Zustellung: Sa, 22.03. - Fr, 28.03.
Versand in 3-4 Wochen
A Christmas tale set in Victorian England which shows Ebeneezer Scrooge go from oppressor to benefactor.
A graphic novel that features Scrooge who gets a rude awakening to how his life is, and how it should be.


Dramatis Persona 4A Christmas CarolStave OneMarley's Ghost 7Stave TwoThe First of the Three Spirits 42Stave ThreeThe Second of the Three Spirits 69Stave FourThe Last of the Spirits 95Stave FiveThe End of it 127What the Dickens? 144The Dickens Family Tree 149Dickens Timeline 150Hard Times 152A Very Victorian Christmas 154Page Creation 156


08. November 2008
Klett English Editions
Charles Dickens
Herausgegeben von
Sean Michael Wilson
Mike Collins, David Roach
col. comics.
524 g
Größe (L/B/H)
246/167/12 mm

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Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens (1812-1870), geboren in Landport bei Portsea, wuchs in Chatham bei London auf. Als er elf Jahre alt war, musste sein Vater wegen nicht eingelöster Schuldscheine ins Schuldgefängnis; seine Mutter folgte ihm mit Charles' Geschwistern dorthin. Charles, das zweitälteste Kind, musste währenddessen in einer Schuhwichsfabrik arbeiten. Erst als der Vater nach einigen Monaten entlassen wurde, besuchte Charles wieder eine Schule. Mit fünfzehn begann er in einem Rechtsanwaltsbüro als Gehilfe zu arbeiten, später wurde er Zeitungsreporter.

Seine schriftstellerische Karriere begann er mit seinen Skizzen des Londoner Alltagslebens. Anschließend entstanden in rascher Folge die ersten Romane. Dickens wurde Herausgeber der liberalen Londoner Zeitung "Daily News", reiste in die USA und nach Italien und verfasste 1848/1849 "David Copperfield", der viel autobiographisches Material enthält.

Dickens' liebevolle Schilderungen menschlicher Schwächen, sein Kosmos skurriler und schrulliger englischer "Originale" und die satirische Anprangerung sozialer Missstände machten ihn bereits zu Lebzeiten zu einem der beliebtesten Romanciers der Weltliteratur. Seine Bücher brachten ihm außerdem beträchtlichen Wohlstand ein. Seit 1860 lebte er auf seinem Landsitz Gad's Hill Place in Kent, wo er im Alter von nur 58 Jahren an einem Schlaganfall starb.


In 1951, Alastair Simm portrayed Ebenezer Scrooge in the classic black and white film and vocally reprised the role in a 1971 30 minute TV animated version. And there have been many other film and TV versions as well as comic adaptions over the decades. I know. I'm old. I've seen them.So,dusting the spiders webs from my head,I sat down to read Classical Comics version because I had seen some artwork back in May but I really wondered whether the full version would work -could the team add a little extra or a twist to make this better than any other version?No.And by A"noA" I mean that there was no need to add a little something extra or twist. This is the original Dickens story that gave us goosebumps when the teacher read it to us all those years ago in school.Mike Collins and David Roach [who I believe used to produce a Small Press mag titled A"HellfireA" back in the 1980s] will be familiar to comic fans. But could they adapt Mr. Dickens' classic?Of course they can! I could imagine receiving this as a Christmas present and sitting down to read it after dark. It's everything you expect from A Christmas Carol and fun to read and look at.Collins and Roach. Fantastic art. And the colourist,James Offredi does a really great job that adds so much more to the art -look at Marley's Ghost. Wonderful.Original Text is great but I think for younger readers it has to be Quick Text. I have to honestly say that I do,for some reason,look for faults or something not quite right. Why I have no idea. The logo A"Classical ComicsA" says it all.As with the other titles there are the list of characters the Dramatis personae,a lot of information on the author,how the book was drawn,lettered and even Teachers Resources notes. Perhaps the government ought to invest money by buying and distributing these books to schools to educate children but it seems they don't have that kind of money [only the kind for bailing out crooked bankers].Reading for fun or otherwise,these books,whether Henry V, MacBeth, Jane Eyre or A Christmas Carol,cannot be faulted and here's to the companies continued success!www.comicbitsonline.com


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LovelyBooks-BewertungVon wordworld am 18.12.2024
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