From protein-hearty hemp to omega-3-loaded flax, seeds are true nutritional powerhouses. Not only are they good for you, they are downright tasty, too! But how do you make the most of these superfoods in your kitchen? Look no further than Cooking With Seeds ! These mouth-watering recipes for breakfasts, lunches, snacks, dinners, and desserts use seven super-seeds,chia, flax, hemp, poppy, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower,as key ingredients.Incorporating seeds into your daily diet is a great way to boost your health without having to give up your favourite foods in Cooking With Seeds , there's something for every palate, whether it's Sweet Pea and Sunflower Seed Hummus or Chocolate Cupcakes with Seed Butter Ganache. You'll also find for seed-based basics,such as milks, spreads,and butters, so whether you have time for a full meal or just a snack you can easily reap the benefits,and the flavor,of these little nutrient bombs.