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ABS on the Ball

A Pilates Approach to Building Superb Abdominals

230 Lesepunkte
22,99 €inkl. Mwst.
Zustellung: Fr, 04.04. - Do, 10.04.
Versand in 3-4 Wochen
HEALTH / BODYWORK In Abs on the Ball Colleen Craig, author of the bestselling Pilates on the Ball, reveals why the exercise ball is unmatched as a tool for building superb abdominal strength. Abs on the Ball uses a Pilates approach: a unique exercise method famous for building long, sculpted muscles and a strong back and abdominal core. In this groundbreaking book Craig shows how traditional sit-ups and "ab" machines actually limit the degree to which abdominal muscles can be trained and can even aggravate lower back pain and neck tension. In contrast, the very mobility of the exercise ball targets underutilized muscles, recruiting both deep and superficial abdominal muscle fibers to give rapid results. Abs on the Ball presents a selection of over 100 innovative exercises, including many of the key powerhouse-builders from the Pilates Method adapted specifically to large and small exercise balls, to enhance the Pilates matwork for the beginner or the seasoned athlete. Step-by-step instructions are detailed in more than 250 photographs. The author also offers 15- and 30-minute workouts for all ability levels. These workouts not only build the abdominal core but also strengthen and train deep muscles in order to soothe low-back pain and increase overall body strength, balance, and coordination. Whether you are looking to tighten your abdominals, improve your sports performance, support your lower back, or simply feel strong and toned in your body, the innovative and complete system presented in Abs on the Ball will guide you in reaching your goals--in less time than you imagined. COLLEEN CRAIG is a Certified Stott Pilates Trainer and a writer who developed a unique body conditioning technique by adapting the Pilates Method to the exercise ball. She lives in Toronto and teaches workshops throughout the world.


1. Why Another Book on Abdominal Conditioning?
The Problem with Traditional "Ab Conditioning"
Learning from the Latest Research
The Pilates Powerhouse
The Ball As Perfect Partner

2. Abs on the Ball Fundamentals
The Breath: A Crucial Starting Point
The Key Player: Transversus Abdominis
Connecting Navel to Spine9
The Pelvic Floor: The "Elevator" at the Bottom of the Powerhouse
Neutral Pelvis
Inside Out
Everyday Abs
Quality, Not Quantity

3. Final Points
The Right Ball for You
Helpful Hints and Precautions
One Final Word

4. Basic Abs on the Ball
Practicing the Fundamentals
Back Breathing - Neutral Pelvis Lying on the Mat - Lifting the Head off the Mat - Connecting Navel to Spine - Pelvic Floor Exercise
The Basic Abs on the Ball Exercises
Ab Curls with Small Ball - Half Roll-up with Arm Stretch and Tabletop Legs - Small Extensions on Small Ball - Half Roll Down - Rolling Like a Ball - Single Leg Stretch - Oblique Twists - Sidework with Small Ball - Hip Rolls with Small Ball - Hip Rolls with Leg Extensions - Ab Curls on Small Ball - The Waterfall - Hips Rolls on Large Ball - Hip Rolls with Balance - Ab Curls on Large Ball - Walk Up and Down - Rolling from Side to Side - Ball Balance

5. Intermediate Abs on the Ball
Practicing the Fundamentals
Neutral Spine Sitting - Find the Core Sitting - Knee Lift Stabilizing Exercise on Small Ball
The Intermediate Abs on the Ball Exercises
Full Roll-up - Double Leg Stretch - Teaser Prep - Lower and Lift - Leg Pull-up and Bicycle - Spine Twist - Leg Circles, Bicycle, and Scissors in Air - On Elbows - Thigh and Ankle Squeeze and Supported Swan - Bend and Stretch - Backward Crunch - Hip Lift - Back Extensions on Knees - Side Raises - Side Crunches - Planks - Side Shell with Kick - Arabesque - Tabletop Balance - Body Openers

6. Advanced Abs on the Ball
Practicing the Fundamentals
One Leg Standing - Opposite Hand and Foot
The Advanced Abs on the Ball Exercises
The Hundred - Roll Over - Corkscrew - Side Bridge on Small Ball - Boomerang - Rocking Horse Extension - Scissors - Teaser - Sidebend and Twist - Side-twist Plank - The Pike - Single Leg Shell - Kneeling Side Lifts - The Star - Ports de Bras - Plank with Hands on the Ball - Kneel on the Ball

7. The Short Workouts
Fifteen-minute Basic Abs Workout
Thirty-minute Basic Abs Workout
Fifteen-minute Intermediate Abs Workout
Thirty-minute Intermediate Abs Workout
Fifteen-minute Advanced Abs Workout
Thirty-minute Advanced Abs Workout


Ball and Video Ordering Information



27. März 2003
Original edition
Colleen Craig
490 g
Größe (L/B/H)
253/204/13 mm


Colleen Craig

Colleen Craig, author of the bestselling Pilates on the Ball and Abs on the Ball, is a Certified Stott Pilates trainer and writer. She lives in Toronto and teaches workshops throughout the world.


"Ms. Craig offers a refreshing approach to abdominal training while using some of the very effective and popular Pilates techniques." --Susannah Kent, Vitality Magazine, June 2003


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