This book focuses on contemporary human factors issues within the design of soldier systems and describes how they are currently being investigated and addressed by the U. S. Army to enhance soldier performance and effectiveness. It appeals to an international multidisciplinary audience including defense contractors, program management offices, human factors engineers, human system integrators, system engineers, and computer scientists. Relevant programs of study include those in human factors, cognitive science, neuroscience, neuroergonomics, psychology, training and education, and engineering.
Contents: Preface; Part I Understanding Human Performance with Complex Systems: Human performance challenges for the Future Force: lessons from Patriot after the second Gulf War, John K. Hawley and Anna L. Mares; Who needs an operator, when the robot is autonomous? The challenges and advantages of robots as team members, Keryl A. Cosenzo and Michael J. Barnes; Effects of operators' spatial ability on their performance of target detection and robotics tasks, Jessie Y.C. Chen; Reducing workload: a multisensory approach, Linda R. Elliott and Elizabeth S. Redden; Tactile displays in army operational environments, Timothy L. White, Andrea S. Krausman and Ellen C. Haas. Part II Overcoming Operational and Environmental Conditions: Operations on the move: vehicle movement and soldier performance, Richard A. Tauson; Night vision goggle design: overcoming the obstacle of darkness on the ground, Elizabeth S. Redden and Linda R. Elliott; The effects of encapsulation on dismounted warrior performance, Lamar Garrett, Debbie Patton and Linda Mullins; Soldier auditory situation awareness: the effects of hearing protection, communications headsets, and headgear, James E. Melzer, Angelique A. Scharine and Bruce E. Amrein; Human factors in military learning environments, Valerie J. Berg Rice and Petra E. Alfred. Part III Assessing and Designing Systems: The multi-aspect measurement approach: rationale, technologies, tools, and challenges for systems design, Kelvin S. Oie, Stephen Gordon and Kaleb McDowell; Future Soldier-system design concepts: brain-computer interaction technologies, Brent Lance, Jorge Capo and Kaleb McDowell; Soldier-centred design and evaluation techniques, Pamela A. Savage-Knepshield; Addressing and resolving science and technology capability gaps identified by warfighters in Iraq and Afghanistan, Raymond M. Bateman, Charles L. Hernandez and Frank Morelli; Immersive simulations for dismounted soldier research, Kathy L. Kehring; Tactical ergonomics: applying man