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The Golden Notebook

Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature 2007

120 Lesepunkte
11,99 €inkl. Mwst.
Zustellung: Sa, 03.05. - Do, 08.05.
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The landmark novel of the Sixties - a powerful account of a woman searching for her personal, political and professional identity while facing rejection and betrayal.

In 1950s London, novelist Anna Wulf struggles with writer's block. Divorced with a young child, and fearful of going mad, Anna records her experiences in four coloured notebooks: black for her writing life, red for political views, yellow for emotions, blue for everyday events. But it is a fifth notebook - the golden notebook - that finally pulls these wayward strands of her life together.

Widely regarded as Doris Lessing's masterpiece and one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century, 'The Golden Notebook' is wry and perceptive, bold and indispensable.


17. Januar 2013
Doris Lessing
400 g
Größe (L/B/H)
198/126/40 mm


Doris Lessing

Doris Lessing, 1919 im heutigen Iran geboren und auf einer Farm in Südrhodesien aufgewachsen, lebte seit 1949 in England. 1950 veröffentlichte sie dort ihren ersten Roman und kam 1953 zu Weltruhm. In Deutschland hatte sie ihren großen Durchbruch 1978. Heute ist Doris Lessing eine der bedeutendsten Schriftstellerinnen der Gegenwart, ihr umfangreiches Werk umfasst Lyrik, Prosa und autobiographische Schriften. 2007 wurde sie mit dem Literaturnobelpreis ausgezeichnet. Doris Lessing verstarb 2013 im Alter von 94 Jahren.


'This ambitious novel has no equal.' Guardian

'At the beginning of the Sixties, this vast, frank, complicated novel helped to sustain our reputation for courageous, ambitious, experimental writing. Soon a worldwide bestseller, it is still Lessing's finest work. "The Golden Notebook" captured the heady mix of the early Sixties, when not just novels but political certainties were dissolving. The rising feminist movement seized it as a Bible.' Mail on Sunday

'Her greatest work. . . Shows the power of the female imagination at full throttle. It doesn't bear a simple political message but it does rip off the masks that women were accustomed to wearing, and it shows up the dangers and difficulties that women encounter if they try to live a free life in a man's world. . . A landmark novel, a book that both changed and explained a generation. . . One of the finest writers of the century.' Independent

'Doris Lessing is a pioneer of feminist self-consciousness in its raw state. . . The truths contained in "The Golden Notebook" are indeed harsh. It can also be said that these particular truths have not been examined in so rigorous and exemplary a fashion since the first appearance of this extraordinary book. A seminal work.' Anita Brookner, LRB

'"The Golden Notebook" is the diary of a writer in shock, a young woman determined to forge a life as a "free woman", as an "intellectual". Doris Lessing is a writer of considerable power, someone who can close her eyes and "give" a situation by the sheer force of her emotional energy.' Joan Didion, New York Times


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