"Economic Policy" has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early. It discusses key international issues when they matter and is invaluable for keeping track of important topics."Economic Policy" gives you hot topics, from the experts. Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field. The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists. Their discussions are published at the end of each paper. This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence.
1. Some Simple Economics of GM Food: Ditmar Harhoff (University of Munich), Pierre Regibeau (University of Essex) and Katharine Rockett (University of Essex). 2. Should we Beware of the Precautionary Principle? Christian Gollier (University of Toulouse). 3. The Political Economy of Direct Legislation: Direct Democracy and Local Decision--Making: Lars P. Feld (University of St. Gallen) and Gebhard Kirchgassner (University of St. Gallen and Swiss Institute of International Economics and Applied Economic Research). 4. Monetary Policy Implementation and Transmission in the European Monetary Union: Ilian Mihov (INSEAD, Fontainebleau). 5. International Bailouts, Moral Hazard and Conditionality: Olivier Jeanne (International Monetary Fund) Jeromin Zettelmeyer (International Monetary Fund). 6. Currency Unions and Trade: How Large is the Treatment Effect? Torsten Perrson (Stockholm University and London School of Economics). 7. Currency Unons and Trade: the Efect is Large: Andrew Rose (University of California, Berkeley).