In this volume top economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early.
Top economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy.
Economic Policy has earned a reputation around the world as the one publication that always identifies current and emerging policy topics early
Papers are specially commissioned from first-class economists and experts in the policy field
The editors are all based at top European economic institutions and each paper is discussed by a panel of distinguished economists
This unique approach guarantees incisive debate and alternative interpretations of the evidence
Editors Introduction.
1. The effect of information and communication technologies on urban structure: Yannis M. Ioannides, Henry G. Overman, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg and Kurt Schmidheiny.
2. Mass car ownership in the emerging market giants: Marcos Chamon, Paolo Mauro and Yohei Okawa.
3. Tied to the mast? National fiscal rules in the European Union: Xavier Debrun, Laurent Moulin, Alessandro Turrini, Joaquim Ayuso-i-Casals and Manmohan S. Kumar.
4. US shocks and global exchange rate configurations: Marcel Fratzscher.