Bevor Stephanie Plum auch nur einen Fuss in das Flugzeug setzen kann, dass sie von Hawaii nach Newark bringen soll, steckt sie knietief in Schwierigkeiten. Ihr Traumurlaub wurde zum Albtraum, ihr Sitznachbar vom Hinflug ist tot und eine zusammengewürfelte Ansammlung von Verbrechern und Psychopathen, inklusive des FBI, sind auf der Suche nach einem Foto, das der Tote bei sich getragen haben soll. Und es gibt nur eine Person, die dieses Foto gesehen hat: Stephanie. . .
Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum's life is set to blow sky high when international murder hits dangerously close to home, in this dynamite novel by Janet Evanovich.
Before Stephanie can even step foot off Flight 127 Hawaii to Newark, she's knee deep in trouble. Her dream vacation turned into a nightmare, and she's flying back to New Jersey solo. Worse still, her seatmate never returned to the plane after the L.A. layover. Now he's dead-and a ragtag collection of thugs and psychos, not to mention the FBI, are all looking for a photograph he was supposed to be carrying.
Only one person has seen the missing photo: Stephanie Plum. Now she's the target. An FBI sketch artist helps Stephanie re-create the person in the photo, but Stephanie's descriptive skills are lacking. Until she can improve them, she'll need to watch her back.
Over at the bail bonds agency things are going from bad to worse. Vinnie's temporary HQ has gone up in smoke. Stephanie's wheelman, Lula, falls for their largest skip yet. Lifetime arch nemesis Joyce Barnhardt moves into Stephanie's apartment. And everyone wants to know what happened in Hawaii?
Morelli, Trenton's hottest cop, isn't talking about Hawaii. Ranger, the man of mystery, isn't talking about Hawaii. And all Stephanie is willing to say about her Hawaiian vacation is . . . It's complicated.